Continuing from the previous post regarding the legend that ties
in South America to Mesoamerica and shows that the Peruvian Andes were the Book
of Mormon home of the Nephites and that those who went north in Hagoth’s ships
traveled to Mesoamerica.
In addition to where we left off in the previous article,
a quote from an ancient 17th century text reads: “Out of the land of
rain and mist come I, Xochiquetzal, out of Tamoanchan” (Domingo Francisco de
San Anton Muñón Chimalpahin Cuahtlehuanitzin, Memorial Breve, [Brief memorial about the foundathon of the city of
Culhuacan], National Autonomous University of Mexico publs, 1991). This Memorial
Breve speaks of Tamoanchan as “where the jaguars dwell,” and within
the Andes of South America the puma and jaguar are among the natural fauna of
the Peruvian highlands.
Another evidence of similarity can be found regarding a
people moving from one place to another in three or four different excursions
or groups, where the name Xicalanco or Xicalango (Motalinia in its modern form)
as the third place of the same name, as if all three were known on the same
coast (Edward P. Lanning, Peru Before the Incas, Prentice-Hall, New
Jersey, 1967, p 16).
All of this boils down to supposition, of course, but
consider the interesting points that seem to match Book of Mormon
possibilities. Four groups traveled from one point to another and back.
Perplexing to the archaeologist who expects to find constant and continuous
development, which they interpret this recorded event as one group
moving from Point A to Point B and back again, then moving from Point A to
Point B and back again four different times. But this idea should not be
perplexing when one understands the Hagoth Affair. Consider these points of the
ancient text:
• Four Groups: If these were the emigrants in
Hagoth’s ships, then there were four distinct groups that left the shipyards
near Bountiful and sailed north:
1. The original ship (Alma 63:6);
2. The original ship’s second voyage (Alma 63:7);
3. The other ships built that went forth (Alma 63:7);
4. The ship that carried Corianton (Alma 63:19).
Each time except the last, the ship returned for more
immigrants (the last time was Corianton who was not heard from again). And, of
course, the same general course was followed (Alma 63:6-7) coming and going,
and each group departed from the same location—Hagoth’s shipyards on the west
sea at the narrow neck of land (Alma 63:5).
Four voyages to the Land which was Northward, both in the
Book of Mormon and in Sahagun’s account. The fourth voyage did not return to
the homeland, but stayed in the new land
• Abandoned the Land: While many emigrants went
north in these four voyages, more were left behind in the form of the Nephite
• Additional Peoples: On the second trip
additional peoples are mentioned. These could have been Lamanites (Ammonites)
who we are told moved into the land northward along with the Nephites about
this same general time or a little later (Helaman 3:12). Obviously, some of
those converted Lamanites might well have joined the voyages north.
• Law Reestablished: After arriving in this new
land northward (Mesoamerica), the Nephites would have reestablished their laws
and customs. We are told by Mormon that around this general time there was so
much strife and contention that a lot of people went northward to avoid the
problem. By 59 B.C. the long war with the Lamanites had ended (Alma 62:39), but
within a few years (53 B.C.) the Lamanites were on the warpath once again (Alma
Between these wars the emigrants sailed north (55-54
B.C.) and a little later (49-46 B.C.) contention and its resultant strife began
again in the land of promise (Helaman 3:1,3) and “an exceeding great many went
forth into the land northward.” They went to inherit the land (Helaman 3:3) and
obviously to escape the civil unrest, thus it can be seen that they would have
reestablished their laws in this new land northward—laws that had been
trampled under in the land of promise by both the Lamanites and the Nephite
• Offerings and Leaders Selected: The
Nephites were both religious and a free people (Mosiah 29:25-26). It would have
made sense that they offered their thanks to God for a safe voyage and finding
a new home away from the strife and conflict in the land of promise. It is also
consistent with a free people to elect their leaders, which, throughout the
Book of Mormon during the time of the judges, the Nephites did (Mosiah 29:39;
Helaman 5:2).
• Built Pyramids to the Sun and the Moon: The
Nephites were temple builders. Nephi himself tells us he built a temple much
like Solomon’s Temple soon after arriving in the land of promise (2 Nephi
5:16). We know that later generations fell away (Alma 31:24-25; Halaman 12:2)
and obviously, apostate or ignorant people would direct their religious attitudes
toward objects of man, such as Golden Calves or objects of nature, such as the
sun and moon. Of course these early temples might not have been built to the
sun and the moon, but to God and His Son, then later given the names sun and
moon during a time of apostasy.
• Tamoanchan: If this were the place or
land where the Nephite emigrants left (Hagoth’s shipyard near Bountiful), then
certain consistencies exist:
1. The ships left from a place on the west coast (place
of descent of the sun, or going down of the sun);
2. The ships originated from a land to the south,
and south of Mesoamerica is Ecuador and Peru;
3. This origination was the land of the Nephites’
birth or beginning— not the beginning of the fathers, who came from
Jerusalem 550 years earlier, but the beginning or homeland, or birthplace of
the Nephites after 550 years. Literally, the house or land of their birth;
4. The Nephites always traveled away from Bountiful by
ship. There is no record of Nephites traveling to this place, except
the return of the ships to start out again toward the north;
5. “We seek our home” would be a good slogan or
attitude for the Nephite emigrants who were escaping from the strife and
contention of the land of promise after a 12-year war, let alone a 500-year
history of war—obviously they would be seeking a place of safety and liberty;
6. Split tree or broken tree or number of branches
emerging. This concept is an old one to Latter-day Saints who understand
the prophecy of Jacob to his son Joseph regarding branches that over flow a
wall and spread across the well (regarding Joseph’s lineage coming across the
well or ocean to settle the Americas). Obviously, this fits right into another
branch spreading out across the water (from the land of promise) to the north
to settle a new land (Mesoamerica);
Continuing from the previous post regarding the legend that ties
in South America to Mesoamerica and shows that the Peruvian Andes were the Book
of Mormon home of the Nephites and that those who went north in Hagoth’s ships
traveled to Mesoamerica.
7. House of the Lord. Obviously, the land of
origin (Bountiful; Land of Promise) was the place where the Lord dwelt with his
people, the Nephites, and had for several hundred years;
8. Place of water, or richness and water. The Land
of Promise was a land of richness, both in crops and in precious metals and
ores. The place of sailing, the shipyards along the west sea near the narrow
neck of land by Bountiful, was obviously a place of water;
9. Out of a land of rain and mist. Central Peru is
a land of dense air (Edward Alsworth Ross, South of Panama, The Century Co.,
New York, 1915, p 51) and heavy, winter fogs that creates fog vegetation known as lomas. The mist from
these fogs cover much of the terrain in the wintertime, and from April to August
frequent, light northerly winds are common, and are generally accompanied by
thick fog or dark, lowering weather (South American Pilot, vol 3, United
States Government Printing Of ce, Washington D.C., 1928, Third Edition, p 44).
the next post, “A Peruvian -Mesoamerican Legend: Leaving Tulan Bountiful – Part IV,” for more on this original legend
and the tie-in to Peru)
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