• Four seas surrounding the Land of Promise which is an isle (island)?
• People coming by sea and moving into the central lands, one group to the north and one group to the south?
• Two groups joining each other for a time, then fracturing once again?
• One group in the south settled the land suddenly and were more skilled, but a second group, further south, annihilated them?
• Legends and writings of brothers coming to the Land of Promise as the first settlers and how they interacted with one another?
• A geographical setting showing why cities and lands were so divided in the Land of Promise even though the Nephites filled up the land from sea to sea?
• The ability to grow seeds of every kind brought by the Jaredites in their new land—the Land Northward?
• A series of devastating wars around 400 A.D. in which one group was either totally or almost totally annihilated?
• The appearance of a kindly, divine being in legend and writing after a period of darkness and devastation, who teaches light and truth of his ways and then disappears and is never seen again?
• A people of the Middle East, typically white skinned, bearded, and wearing flowing robes arrive or appear suddenly on the scene and are considered religious and spreaders of culture, then were eventually wiped out or disappeared?
• A land where seams and cracks in the rocks and mountains can be found significant enough to be mentioned in religious and secular history?
• A sailing and shipping connection between the Land of Promise and a land to the North where Hagoth's ships landed?
• A land to the north of the Land of Promise where Nephite culture, skills, and evidences are to be found?
• A hill in the north lands where records or treasures are believed buried?
• Use of thin sheets of gold, like in a book, around 600 B.C.?
• Two unknown animals to represent the curelom and the cumom?
• A temple like unto Solomon's temple?
• A mist of darkness with lightning and thundering, where mountains tumbled down and others rose up to great heights, and cities sank and burned?
• In the northern land of the Land of Promise wars began constantly to be fought beginning around 200 B.C. and up until about 400 A.D.?
• A land where earliest beginnings are along the southern coast, then the next major development of culture in the southern highlands, and the second development in the north?
• A reason why the Lamanites attacked the coastal Nephite cities rather than using other lines of attack?
• The fortified wall the Nephites constructed to defend their north country against the Lamanites?
• Use of slings for weapons?
• Two grains unknown in 1830 planted in the Land of Promise?
• Skeletal remains of great battles of significance?
See Part III in the next post.
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