It might be recalled that in about 6 B.C., Sauel the Lamanite preaches to the Nephites, his words covering 4 complete chapters, about nine and a half pages in the scriptures, starting with Chapter 13 and going to the end of the book of Helaman. The Nephites were in great wickedness while the Lamanites did strive to keep the commandments of God” (Helaman 13:1), which brought Samuel to preach in the land of Zarahemla. After many days, the wicked Nephites cast Samuel out of the city and he was about to return to his own land when the voice of the Lord came unto him to return and prophesy “whatsoever things should come into his heart” (Helaman 13:3.
Now, since the Nephites would not allow him back into the city, he climbed upon the city wall and cried out with a loud voice for the Nephites to repent. During that preaching, Samuel foretold the destruction of the Nephites in 400 years, and telling them they had procrastinated the day of their salvation until it was everlastingly too late. He also foretold the coming of the Savior in five years, his ministry and crucifixion, at which time he described the cataclysmic events that would befall the Land of Promise, including the earthquakes and the destruction of cities and the leveling of mountains. At this point, he added:
“And there shall be many places which are now called valleys which shall become mountains, whose height is great” (Helaman 14:23).
There are many mountains in the world whose height is great, however, in all but a couple, the mountains rise up slowly, such as the Rocky Mountains, so that when in them, they do not seem to have such a great height. I lived along the coast for most of my life in southern California, and now live in southern Utah at 6,000 feet. The mountain peak almost directly over us is at 11,000 feet. But because these heights are basically gradual, they do not seem to be so very high.

The point is, none of the other areas suggested as the location for the Land of Promise can even come close to having any mountains “whose height is great.” And since those words were given to Samuel the Lamanite to speak directly from the Lord, it must be important that mountains would be created during the hours following the crucifixion.
Only the Andes in the Western Hemisphere qualifies for matching Samuel's description.
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