Some of these clues are not directly mentioned in the scriptural record, but implied by the nature of the Jewish culture from which the Nephites sprang.
One example is that we know the Nephites practiced the Law of Moses (Alma 25:15), and we know that the Law of Moses required circumcision and was practiced by the Nephites for the first 600 years of their history before it was fulfilled in Christ (Moroni 8:8). Thus, we see that the Nephites, who lived the Law of Moses, practiced circumcision.
In fact, circumcision dates back to God’s covenant with Abraham. In the first biblical mention of circumcision, God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. God said to Abram, "I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless." God then explained his part of the covenant — he would be the God of Abraham's descendants and give them the land of Canaan (Genesis 17:1-8); God then further explained Abraham's part of the covenant (Genesis 17:10-14). "This is...the covenant you are to keep." Every male was to be circumcised, and this physical rite was to be "the sign of the covenant" with God, and it was "an everlasting covenant." Every male in Abraham's household was to be circumcised immediately, and from then on every new baby boy was to be circumcised on the eighth day. Whether they were Hebrews or whether they were purchased as slaves, the men had to be circumcised. If they were not, they would be cut off; they had broken the covenant. Abraham did what God told him to do (Genesis 17:23-27; 21:4). The practice of circumcision became the defining characteristic of the Abraham-Isaac-Jacob clan.
Thus we find that God’s people, which obviously would have included the Nephites, honored the covenant of circumcision. And the only area in the Western Hemisphere where there is an archaeological record with physical evidence that the ancients living there from B.C. times, practiced circumcision was in the Andean area of Peru.

Again, the area of Andean Peru matches an area of the Book of Mormon, along with those listed in the previous 17 posts covering and matching 15 specific scriptural references—no other area in the Western World matches all these scriptural descriptions to be found in the Land of Promise other than this Peruvian area.
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