Wheat was the main field crop in both Judah and Egypt. In
Judah fields of wheat were raised primarily without irrigation, depending
instead on rainfall, which was sometimes scarce—called dry farming in the U.S. Consequently,
famine in years of poor rainfall was common. In contrast, Egypt was a land with
abundant water for irrigation and was the land to which Israelites looked in
time of famine.
Left: Einkorn Wheat; Center: Durum
Wheat; Right: Emmer Wheat
At the time Lehi and his family left the Old World, they probably
had several species of wheat from which to choose and may in fact have brought
more than one species with them. Einkorn wheat (T. monococcum) was still cultivated there, though not widely, and
bread wheat (T. aestivum) may have
been present as well. Most likely, however, they would have brought one of the
tetraploid wheats such as “durum” wheat (Triticum
turgidum var. durum) or “emmer”
wheat (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccon). These last two species were
the most abundantly cultivated varieties in Israel and adjacent countries, with
durum being the favorite. Emmer wheat is significantly inferior to durum, since
it cannot be as easily and freely threshed as durum, which is still, as it was
in the time of the Bible, the dominant field crop commonly grown for bread in
warm, temperate countries.
“We began to till the ground, yea, even
with all manner of seeds, with seeds of corn, and of wheat, and of barley, and
with neas, and with sheum, and with seeds of all manner of fruits; and we did
begin to multiply and prosper in the land” (Mosiah 9:9)
While physical evidence of
pre-Columbian wheat has not been discovered by archaeologists in the Americas,
one should not conclude that wheat was not cultivated anciently in the New
According to Alphonse de
Candolle, a renowned Swiss botanist who drafted the international rules of
botanical nomenclature, and considered the father of crop evolution, in his Origin of Cultivated Plants (Trench,
London, 1884) claims: “Archaeologists understand that failure to find something
mentioned in a text does not discredit the text. They recognize that the
likelihood of an organic artifact being preserved is very small and that if an
organic artifact is indeed preserved, the chance that it will be discovered and
correctly identified is even more remote.” Accordingly, within their
discipline, archaeologists typically accept the axiom that the absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence.
Only uninformed critics of the
Book of Mormon, and the so-called scientists who believe in evolution and an
anti-God philosophy who would never accept anything from the Book of Mormon,
continue to insist that because no wheat or barley have been found in the New
World prior to its introduction by the Europeans in the 17th century
onward is proof positive that the Book of Mormon is a hoax. However, as
Candolle pointed out—absence of discovery
does not mean it did not exist.
In fact, Candolle, who was interested
in geography of plants in general and wrote extensively on the subject, and
whose book remains today a model of scholarship and continues to be a useful
source of information about the origins of cultivated plants, in his introductory
chapters of Origin of Cultivated Plants,
he insisted that "several different lines of investigation must be followed to
allow an accurate analysis of the place or origin of a crop." He was not only
quite familiar with plant remains and pictorial records and archaeological
remains from ancient Mexico and Peru, he warned against errors found in the
printed works of ancient authors of history. Obviously, as he stated, "just because historians
claim no plants were found by the Spanish, does not indicate that no such
plants ever existed in the New World." He also suggested that "historical sources
should be consulted for information on cultivated plants," often providing a
definite locality for the place of origin based on his study of published
records and specimens, which ought to suggest to us today that the Book of
Mormon provides such historical evidence.
Thus the Book of Mormon text
itself—added to what we know about wheat cultivation in the world from which
the Lehites came—may be the best sources for insights to help us understand the
earliest cultivation of wheat and barley in the Americas.
Wheat is mentioned twice in the Book of Mormon, but only
once as being one of the crops raised. Bread, perhaps made from wheat, is
mentioned over twenty times in the scriptural record, and the word chaff (the remaining by-product of
threshing grains such as wheat) is present in six verses.
A Vavilov
Center (Vavilov Center of
Diversity) is a region of the world first indicated by Dr. Nikolai
Ivanovich Vavilov to be an original center for the domestication of plants. Vavilov
developed a theory on the centers of origin of cultivated plants, stating that “plants
are not domesticated somewhere in the world at random but there are regions
where the domestication started.” He called this center of origin “the center
of diversity.” His location of the Vavilov centers are regions where a high
diversity of crop’s wild relatives can be found, representing the natural
relatives of domesticated crop plants.

It is obvious that
wheat, a major crop around Jersualem in 600 B.C., would have been part, if not
a large part, of the seeds Nephi mentions bringing with them from Jerusalem.
(See the next post, “Wheat Not Found in the New World – Part II,” for more
reasons why wheat and barley, etc., have not been found in the Land of Promise
in the Western Hemisphere)
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