The king is the Lamanite King, Lamoni’s father, who was over all the Land of Nephi
“amongst all his people who were in all his land---“
His people were the Lamanites who lived in the Land of Nephi
“who were in all the regions round about---“
The Land of Nephi included the lands of Ishmael, Middoni, Shemlon Shilom (Alma 23:9-12)
“which was bordering even to the sea, on the east and on the west---“
The Land of Nephi (land of the Lamanites ran from sea to sea
“and which was divided from the land of Zarahemla---“
There was a separation between the Land of Zarahemla and the Land of Nephi
“by a narrow strip of wilderness---“
This narrow strip of wilderness separated the two lands, along the southern border of Zarahemla and the northern border of the Land of Nephi
“which ran from the sea east even to the sea west---“
This narrow strip of wilderness along the southern border of Zarahemla ran from sea to sea
“and round about---“
This narrow strip of wilderness ran around and about the southern border of Zarahemla
“on the borders of the seashore---“
This narrow strip of wilderness curved upward into the Land of Zarahemla along both seashores or coastal regions
“and the borders of the wilderness which was on the north by the land of Zarahemla---“
The northern border of the king’s land (Land of Nephi) ran along this south wilderness along the southern border of the Land of Zarahemla--the northern border of the Land of Nephi
“through the borders of Manti—“
The Land and city of Manti were to the south of the Land of Zarahemla, along the border of this narrow strip of the south wilderness
“by the head of the river Sidon---“
Along the borders of the Land of Manti and the south wilderness (which was the northern border of the Land of Nephi), were the headwaters or the source or beginning of the river Sidon
“running from the east towards the west---“
That is this narrow strip of south wilderness ran from sea to sea of the Land of Promise
“and thus were the Lamanites and the Nephites divided.”
This narrow strip of wilderness to the south of Zarahemla, which divided the Land of Zarahemla from the Land of Nephi, was the dividing line between the Nephites and the Lamanites.
Now, one would think this is perfectly clear as Mormon wrote it. However, Rosenvall’s Baja California model of the Land of Promise must change the location of the headwaters of the Sidon River to meet his model’s criteria because his river Sidon (San Ignacio River) does not run to the north, but to the south, opposite what Mormon wrote.
Which brings us to the Wilderness of Hermounts.
(See the next post, ” The Baja Theory—Does the River Sidon Flow North or South? Part IV,” to see how the Baja theory has to place the river Sidon in a north wilderness for it to flow south past the city of Zarahemla)
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