Rosenvall claims: “We do not believe the Book of Mormon people were located on a small island, but on a continental land area, because Moroni told the Prophet Joseph Smith that the Book of Mormon contained the record of the “former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang” (JSH 1:34).”
One of the problems that people of today have in understanding the writings of the past is in not knowing what was known then as opposed to what is known today. First of all, Joseph Smith’s words are absolutely correct and agree completely with the scriptural record. However, the word “continent” as known to Joseph is completely different from how it is known and understood today.
In the United States today, we know there are seven continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America and Antarctica; however, in Europe, there are considered only six continents because they combine North and South America into one continent.
More importantly, in 1829, Joseph knew of two continents. That is, according to the 1828 dictionary the word continent is defined as: “continuous, connected, not interrupted,” and in geography, is described as “a great extent of land, not disjoined or interrupted by a sea, a connected tract of land of great extent, as the Eastern and Western continent.” That is, in 1828, there was the Eastern Continent (Europe, Asia, etc.) and the Western Continent, North and South America.
Thus, in Joseph’s time, the term continent, more importantly “this continent” meant both North and South America—it did not pertain to two separate western continents as it does today. Therefore, when Joseph said that Moroni told him: “the Book of Mormon contained the record of the “former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang,” he was referring to the inhabitants of both North and South America, and the area (Mesopotamia and Jerusalem) from which they came.
Unaware of this very important 1829 understanding, Rosenvall goes on to say, “The peninsula of Baja California, unlike an island, is an integral part of “this continent” of North America, as required by Moroni’s statement.”

It is disingenuous to claim that what we see today has always been, and the geographic terms we have become familiar with today have always existed in the same manner. And the idea and practice of using modern dictionaries to define words as they were known in 1829 is foolhardy. After all, Webster’s 1828 “American Dictionary of the English Language” is readily available to anyone, and is even available online.
(See the next post, “Baja’s Isle of the Sea – Part III,” for more of Rosenvall’s rationale in claiming that Jacob’s isle is not accurate and that a peninsula is considered an island)
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