In addition, the “narrow strip of wilderness, which ran from the sea east even to the sea west,” and was an oft-mentioned physical feature of the Land of Promise, is not even shown.

8. No wilderness is shown to the west of the Land of Nephi, nor to the west of the Land of Zarahemla, nor is the Land of First Inheritance shown (Alma 22:28) nor is there any indication of Lamanites to the east along the seashore (Alma 22:28).
9. The Land of Ishmael was not stuck somewhere beyond the Land of Nephi, as shown, but next to the Land of Nephi, along with the Land of Middoni (Alma 20:7,14). In fact, the Land of Shilom and the Land of Shemlon, and the city of Lemuel and city of Shimnilom were very close to these three lands (Alma 23:9-12).
10. The terms “Lamanite Lands” and “South Countries” are shown on Nasbaum’s “internal map,” however, these terms are not listed as specific separate areas in the scriptural record. In the case of “the south countries,” Mormon mentioned this in regard to the final battle with the Lamanites in the Land of Cumorah in the Land Northward, that “even all my people, save it were those twenty and four who were with me, and also a few who had escaped into the south countries (Mormon 6:15). Since this took place in the Land Northward, “so far north” they were in the land of many waters, the “south countries” could have been anywhere from the Land of Desolation to the land of Nephi, but not a particular land area. However, the term “Lamanite Lands” does not appear in the Book of Mormon at all.
11. Nasbaum has along the south and east borders of his “internal map” and in a large area to the southeast, south of the Land of Npehi, south countries and Lamanite Lands, the term “Unknown.” Nowhere in scripture is there any indication of any land in the Land of Promise that is unknown.
All in all, these eleven points that are totally contradictory to the scriptural record are the result of Arlin Nasbaum’s highly toughted “internal map.” The type of map he continually ridicules of others for they do not include one thing or another, and are subject to the creator’s “own ideas are reflected in the map.” Such seems clearly the case with Nasbaum—his predetermination of lands and areas and geographical relationships are clearly struck with his own “virus” and does not reflect a true understanding of the scriptural record regarding the geography of the Book of Mormon.
Thus, using Nasbaum’s own words, “The reason to have an internal Book of Mormon geography map is to show that the modeler understands the text, and whether a bias virus has infected it.” Seems quite evident Nasbaum’s own bias virus has infected his own “internal map.”
(See the next post, “Book of Mormon Land of Promise Internal Map”)
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