Thus, we can understand that any attempt by scholars and theorists to conclude that what is written in the Book of Mormon is in error, is not interpreted correctly, is in a language other than what we use today (that is, in era of 1829 when translated and the local in which it was translated), or meant something entirely different than what we know and understand is completely without merit.
It would do well for those scholars who like to claim certain statements were only political, that had meaning then but not now, that the scriptures were merely a text written by scribes, etc., or that original Hebrew meanings must be understood today, to take into account who wrote the various books of the Book of Mormon, under what condition they were written, who translated the writings, and under what conditions that translation took place. To try and alter those sacred writings to agree with personal views, or to detract from the purpose and intent of the writing, or to suggest the writers were satisfying a personal, narrow view of their land of promise is, again, totally without merit.

This, then leaves us to understand the language known to Joseph Smith in 1829, when he translated the record. What language was that? It was the English language of New England as spoken by Americans of the day. So when Joseph used a word, it is important that we understand what that word meant to him at that time, not what it means to us 181 years later, or might have meant thousands of years earlier.
And it is very fortunate for us that the language of his day was recorded in an “American Dictionary of the English Language” published by Noah Webster in 1828. Webster, who claimed inspiration guiding him in his work, grew up about 112 miles from where Joseph Smith grew up in New England. As Webster, who had mastered ten languages, put it, “the keynote of this work is the identification of an American language as distinct from that of England.” He also said that “the New England style of pronunciation was preferred by Americans, and that the daily language of the yeomanry, or common man, was the preferred manner of speech.
Thus, it can be seen, that an understanding of Webster’s dictionary of the American language in 1828 is a fundamental requirement in the interpretation or understanding of the words Joseph used in his translation.
(See the next post, “What We Need to Know About Translation – Part III,” for the final segment on the meaning of the worlds known to Joseph at the time of translation)
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