The question is, where did he get these items on the spur of the moment and why did he have them?
First of all, the tents of Lehi's day were not simple pup tents or camp tents like those of our time, but large, roomy, multi-roomed tents weighing around 500 pounds and requiring three donkeys (or camels) to transport—one animal to carry the roof, one the walls, and another the partitions. These tents were laborious to make, requiring a time-consuming process of weaving the fabric out of durable goats' hair. In addition, the Israelites were not tent dwellers, and when traveling throughout the land of promise camped in caves—tents were generally found only among desert dwellers like the Arabs, especially the Bedouins.

Obviously, this supports the fact that the provisions they took with them, including tents, animals and seeds, were not purchased in Jerusalem, but were on hand in the Lehi household. Lehi would have left Jerusalem with no one the wiser. When sending the brothers back for the plates, Lehi obviously warned Nephi not to let the Jews know of his whereabouts or destination. Despite the colony being two hundred miles from Jerusalem, separated by two kingdoms and numerous sheikdoms, Lehi still must have felt insecure for the hatred of the Jews toward those who preached of their sins was well known.
If Lehi had his home a few miles from Jerusalem, living on the “lands of his inheritance,” he would have to provide for his own food and sustenance. This would probably mean raising goats, sheep, fruits and "all manner of grains." This could have led to his supplying his abundance beyond his needs to one of the “sugs” or markets, in the old, walled city of Jerusalem, including grapes or wine, since planting vineyards and producing wine was considered part of a settled life.

All of this, of course, could account in part for his being a wealthy man, and as a planter, it would account for why Lehi had seeds of every kind on hand when told to flee the city (1 Nephi 16:11; 18:24), while being a broker/merchant, why he had tents for encamping along the king’s highway waiting for the passing caravans. Which would also explain why he had a pack of donkeys for both transporting tents and products up and down the mountain.
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