“There is no indication given in this reference to the nearby existence of an isthmus or an east sea.”
First of all, as has been stated in numerous earlier posts, there is no mention of the word “isthmus” in the entire Book of Mormon record. The word “isthmus” has been associated with the narrow neck of land by scholars who propose the Mesoamerica model as a geographical location for the Book of Mormon lands, because they use the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as their narrow neck. However, Mormon uses the term “Small” or “Narrow” in describing the narrow neck of land (Alma 22:32; Alma 63:5) and the term “narrow” in describing the “pass” or “passage” that ran through it from the south to the north (Alma 52:9; Mormon 2:29;3:5)

Fourth, the story of Hagoth teaches us certain things:
1. The shipyard was on the border between Bountiful and Desolaton;
2. The shipyard was in an area by the narrow neck of land;
3. The land northward lay beyond the narrow neck;
4. The ship was built near a seashore;
5. The ship was launched into the west sea.
We also understand from the story of Hagoth that there were a lot of people who sailed northward. Mormon wrote: “There were many of the Nephites who did enter therein and did sail forth with much provisions, and also many women and children; and they took their course northward” (Alma 63:6). This tells us that:
1. The ship was not built for military or expeditionary purposes;
2. The ship was built with human cargo in mind;
3. The ship was big enough to hold a large number of people;
4. The ship was built to transport emigrants;
5. Some type of family arrangements were provided so women and children could be transported;
6. The ship contained space for equipment, supplies, and agricultural products
7. The ship set a course northward after it was launched.

1. There was a shipbuilding industry in this area;
2. Hagoth did not accompany the first immigrant voyage north;
3. The shipyard was along the seashore, which had both launching and docking facilities;
4. The first ship reached its destination safely;
5. The voyage of the first ship lasted some time, perhaps up to a year before the first ship returned;
6. Immigration was a booming business;
7. Somewhere to the north lay the first immigrant colony;
8. The second immigrant group headed in the same general direction.
Fifth, there is one additional point Mormon makes by his use of language generally overlooked by Book of Mormon scholars and theorists. And that is of a land far to the north where these people went and were never heard from again that Mormon knew. He wrote that they “departed out of the land of Zarahemla into the land which was northward. (Alma 63:4).
As has been pointed out in earlier posts, this “land which was northward” is not the same as the Land Northward, which others went into (Alma 63:4).
(See the next post, “What the Story of Hagoth Tells Us – Part II,” to see what was meant by Mormon’s “land which was northward.”)
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