Here are still more comments and our responses:
Comment #6: “Some Mormons consider the
Mayan Empire to be Nephite because they were literate and culturally
sophisticated. But anthropologists specializing in the region, have found the
Maya to be related to Asians. Stephen L. Whittington claims no scientists 'in
mainstream anthropology are trying to prove a Hebrew origin of Native
Americans. Archaeologists and physical anthropologists have not found any
evidence of Hebrew origins for the people of North, South and Central America” Joe Bob E.
Response: Those in the Book of
Mormon (Nephites) that would have shown Hebrew evidence were all killed, the
nation annihilated, in 385 A.D. Why would anyone think they would find any semblance?
The Lamanites’ DNA was changed with the changing of their skin and physical
features. Some Mormons think the Land of Promise was in Africa, others in Baja
California, others in Malaysia—there is no scriptural indication that the Book
of Mormon Land of Promise was in any of these lands, including Mesoamerica.
Comment #7: “The Land of Zarahemla was surrounded by the
West Sea and the East Sea. Since no river is ever mentioned in the
journeys between the City of Bountiful and the City of Mulek (the east-west
line for travel) we know the river did not flow straight north or north-east
into the Sea East” Fleming.
Response: Actually, we
know nothing of the kind. In fact, nothing in the information available about
the city of Mulek has any bearing on what sea the River Sidon emptied into.
As an example, in 64
B.C., Moroni arrived with his army in the land of Bountiful (Alma 52:18) and joined
Teancum who awaited him in the city of Bountiful (Alma 52:17) where a council
of war was held with their chief captains (Alma 52:19) to devise a stratagem to
lure the Lamanites out of the captured cities, specifically the city of Mulek. Moroni
invited Jacob, the Lamanite leader in the city of Mulek “to meet them” in
battle on “the plains between the two cities,” that is, between city of
Bountiful and the city of Mulek (Alma 52:20). When this failed, a stratagem was
devised wherein Teancum would pass along the seashore by the gates of Mulek
with a small army in hopes the Lamanites would come out and give chase (Alma
52:22), which they did, and Moroni entered the near defenseless city of Mulek
and reclaimed it (Alma 52:24-25). Mulek, of course, was by the seashore (Alma
52:23) where Teancum passed by (Alma 52:22), while Moroni waited in the wilderness
to the west (inland) from the city of Mulek (Alma 52:22).
From this we can
ascertain that the city of Mulek was along the shore of the East Sea, that it
was in the north close to the city of Bountiful, which was near the narrow pass
that led into the Land Northward (Alma 52:9), and possibly the furthest north
of the cities along the East Sea (Alma 51:26). In fact, the reason the
Lamanites were so far north along the East Sea, was their intent to take
possession of the land of Bountiful, and march into the Land Northward and
occupy it (Alma 51:30), but their efforts to occupy Bountiful was thwarted by
Teancum (Alma 51:31), and the Lamanites retreated into the city of Mulek (Alma
52:2). From all of this we see that no mention of the River Sidon between Bountiful
and Mulek does not mean the river did not empty into the East Sea. It only
shows that Sidon did not flow that far north before reaching the sea. The
trouble with people making claims about the geography of the Land of Promise is
in their creating a map in their mind, or a model of a location, and arbitrarily placing the location of cities when not
enough information is available in the scriptural record to do so, which
ultimately leads to both their map and its conclusions being wrong, as in the
case of this comment.
Comment #8: “I ran across this comment on a webpage and
did not understand it. Perhaps you can explain it to me: ‘The Lamanite Line of
Possession is a geographical feature all Book of Mormon geographers have
missed. Everything north of this line was Nephite land, which included the
Lands of Nephi and Zarahemla, and the Jaredite Land Northward, and all were
referred to as the land northward - of the Line of Possession. (We use lower
case to distinguish it from the Jaredite Land Northward.) The Lamanites
possessed everything south of this, and was called the Land of their
Possessions. Beyond that was where Lehi's family first landed - Land of First
Inheritance/Ishmael.’ Thank you” Christine.
Response: It is always
difficult to try and figure out what someone else means when their information
seems convoluted and either limited or misleading. First of all, the term “Line
of Possession,” does not appear anywhere in the Book of Mormon. Second, the
statement you quoted says that the Land of Nephi north of this “line of
possession” was Nephite territory, which is totally inaccurate. Once Mosiah
fled from the Land of Nephi (Omni 1:12) and traveled into the Land of Zarahemla
(Omni 1:13) around 275 B.C., the Nephites never again were in the Land of Nephi
except for three generations from Zeniff to Limhi (about 200 B.C. to 120 B.C.).
At no other time did the Nephites occupy or control any portion of the Land of
Nephi. In addition, only one division, line or separation is ever mentioned as
existing between the Land of Nephi and the Land of Zarahemla, and that was a
“narrow strip of wilderness, which ran from the sea
east even to the sea west” (Alma 22:27).

Fourth, there is no term in the scriptural record “called
the land of their possession,” however, there is a statement that “when Moroni
had driven all the Lamanites out of the east wilderness, which was north of the
lands of their own possessions, he caused that the inhabitants who were in the
land of Zarahemla and in the land round about should go forth into the east
wilderness, even to the borders by the seashore, and possess the land” (Alma
As is shown here and everywhere else, the Lamanites’ “own
possessions” were the Land of Nephi, everything south of “the narrow strip of
wilderness.” Fifth, what that author calls - Land of First
referred to by Mormon as: “on the west in the land of
Nephi, in the place of their fathers' first inheritance, and thus bordering
along by the seashore” (Alma 22:28). There was a “Land of Ishmael” (Alma 23:9)
to which Ammon and all his brethren traveled in their missionary work (Alma
24:5), which land was called after the sons of Ishmael, who also became
Lamanites (Alma 17:19). But the Land of First Inheritance was never called
Ishmael. Evidently, the reason it “is a geographical feature all
Book of Mormon geographers have missed,” is because it did not exist in the Book of Mormon. It is
not wise, nor helpful, let alone accurate, to invent terminology about the Book
of Mormon, and especially to try and change the meaning of the scriptural
record. It is understandable why you did not comprehend the statement.
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