The area of Cumbe Mayo is located about 12 miles southwest of Cajamarca at an elevation of approximately 11,000 feet. The location is best known for the ruins of an ancient aqueduct stretching approximately five miles in length and thought to have been constructed around 1500 B.C. The name Cumbe Mayo may be Quechua “kumpi mayu,” meaning “well-made water channel.” There are a number of complex and unusual petroglyphs on the aqueduct and surrounding caverns.

Researches believe that due to their similarity there is a connection between the unique and particularly beautiful ceramics of Cajamarca and those of Central America, and especially those of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Should this site prove to be the city of Bountiful within the Land of Bountiful of the Land of Promise, it matches several facets of Mormon’s descriptions. Cajamarca is at the end of a long series of valleys stretching from south of Lima (Pachacamac) all the way north to the Bay of Guayaquil (narrow neck of land), with a corridor toward the west that slopes down to the ocean. There is a magnificent temple site in an imposing area, and numerous advantages to the locale, such as excellent soils for agriculture, elevated ground to the east where the seashore once was located, extension to the west to the seashore, just south of where the land narrows considerably, a very ancient inhabitation, and numerous settlements in the area that supported a large population in B.C. and early A.D. times. It has always been an important city and region throughout the history of the Andean area, extensive gold and silver work has been found in the area, and there is a natural division line to the east which would have contained a separate land such as Mulek.

The entire area has been occupied since the first millennium B.C. and considered one of the most sacred areas by several civilizations, from the Chavin to the Inca eras.

While there is not enough descriptive information in the scriptural record to definitely say that Cajamarca is the city of Bountiful, it seems to be the most likely fit because of its location and the several matches suggested in these last two posts.
I have seen some of the irrigation channels that the ancient Peruvians dug, and as said above, out of solid rock, to bring water down from higher levels and irrigate their many terraced planting levels. Certainly the Inca never achieved anything like that. Some are so old, they predate most of the ancient cities.