Early Leaders Didn’t Separate North and
South America
Early leaders of the Church, from
Joseph Smith through the present, have made it quite clear that North and South
America is the Land of Promise in these latter days. In their discussions of
the importance of this land as the Land of Zion, the land promised to Jacob and
his descendants through Joseph and Manasseh, and to the location of their
inheritance, they have spoken of both North and South America as one entity or
location, and of its importance.
Brigham Young said, “And what is Zion?
In one sense Zion is the pure in heart. But is there a land that ever will be
called Zion? Yes, brethren. What land is it? It is the land that the Lord gave
to Jacob, who bequeathed it to his son Joseph and his posterity, and they
inhabit it, and that land is North and South America. That is Zion as to land,
as to territory, and location. The children of Zion have not yet much in their
possession, but their territory is North and South America to begin with. You need
not teach that this place is Zion, or that Nauvoo or Missouri is Zion; but tell
the people that North and South America are the land of Zion.” (Journal of
Discourses 2:258, and 8:72).

In addition, Ezra Taft Benson added: “This
is our need today—to plant the standard of liberty among our people throughout
the Americas…the struggle for liberty is a continuing one—it is with us in a
very real sense today right here on this choice land of the Americas.”
Bruce R. McConkie, a member of the
First Council of Seventy for 26 years, and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles for 13 years, said, “The Americas are the land of Joseph—the land of
Ephraim and Manasseh, the land of the Nephites, the land of the Ephraimites who
are gathering in the latter days.”
President Spencer W. Kimball tied all
these thoughts together as he reminded the Saints in Brazil and Argentina that
“Zion was all of North and South America, like the wide, spreading wings of a
great eagle, the one being North and the other South America” (Conference
report April 1975, pp31-33).
Speaking of the quote in 2 Nephi 10:11,
Orson Pratt said, “There are promises and decrees of God in relation to ‘land’
of an extraordinary character. No other land can boast of the same. How
beautifully does the spirit of the above prophetic sentiment chime in with the
great American principle, ‘that no foreign prince, potentate, or sovereign will
be allowed to interfere in the affairs of this Continent!’ Spain must give up
Cuba; England, Canada and the United States of America must hold, as her
dependencies, every country on the Western Continent, with the islands along
its borders.” The Western Continent, lest one forget the early geography of the
Western Hemisphere, the entire area of North, Central and South America were
considered a single continent. With this same understanding, the 10th
Article of Faith states: “We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in
the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built
upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth;
and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.”
Just for clarification on this point,
from the mid-19th century, some United States atlases more commonly treated
North and South America as separate continents, while atlases published in
Europe usually considered them one continent. However, other U.S. atlases
considered them as one continent and it was still not uncommon for United
States to treat both North and South America as one continent up until World
War II. In addition, the Olympic flag, devised in 1913, has five rings
representing the five inhabited, participating continents, with the Americas
being treated as one continent and Antarctica not included (Martin W. Lewis and
Karen E.Wigen, The Myth of Continents:
a Critique of Metageography, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1997, p.
32). Thus we see that in the case of the early use of “this continent,” the
reference is to both North and South America.
And finally, Joseph Smith made it quite
clear that any attempt to equate
Zion exclusively with the location of the New Jerusalem contradicts his words:
"Speaking of the Land of Zion, It consists of all North and South America
but that any place where the Saints gather is Zion which every righteous man
will build up for a place of safety for his children…The redemption of Zion is
the redemption of all North and South America.” (July 19, 1840; see Dean C.
Jessee, The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, revised edition, Deseret
Book, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002, p533)
The LDS Church also teaches that the
gathering of descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh in the Americas fulfills the
prophecy of Jacob that "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough
by a well; whose branches run over the wall:"(Genesis 49:22) wherein the
"wall" of the "well" is understood to symbolize the oceans
separating the American continent from Eurasia.
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