Friday, August 9, 2024

16th Century Friar's Connection to the Book of Mormon


This one minute video is made from the full article: Jews settled the Western Hemisphere. Published here on this blog, Saturday, January 23, 2010.. Read that article here.

I am working to take all my Dad's articles and make video's out of them to share with the world. This one minute video is not going to answer all questions. I know that is obvious, but people still will write back and ask about elephants or iron, etc. All questions are answered in detail at


Lehi's Journey: Around 600 B.C., the Book of Mormon tells us Lee-hi and his family left Jerusalem for the Americas, founding a civilization here.

 Ancient Evidence: Historical records, like those of Fray Diego Durán, a Dominican friar who wrote "Book of the Gods and Rites" (1574-1576) and "Ancient Calendar" (c. 1579), suggest the Aztecs' origins might trace back to the ancient Near East.

Durán's Insights: Durán noted that the Aztecs' traditions and calendars have remarkable similarities to those of ancient Israel, echoing the journey and beliefs of Lee-hi’s descendants described in the Book of Mormon.

Artifacts and Legends: Many artifacts and legends across the Americas point to a sophisticated, Jewish-influenced culture, aligning with Lehi’s story.

Connecting the Dots: The similarities in religious rites, symbols, and languages between Mesoamerican cultures and ancient Israel support this connection.

The Bigger Picture: Both the Book of Mormon and historical texts like those of Durán help us piece together the incredible journey of these ancient Jewish settlers.

Explore the past: Dive deeper into this fascinating history and discover the ancient roots that connect the Old World with the New

~NephiCode staff

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