Monday, August 12, 2024

Evidence DNA Agrees with the Book of Mormon


Evidence DNA Agrees with the Book of Mormon: A Prophetic Parallel

The recent genetic study, published in Molecular Biology and Evolution, has reignited the discussion around the origins of Native Americans, showing a unique genetic marker—the 9-repeat allele—present across populations from Alaska to the southern tip of Chile. This allele was notably absent in all populations tested on the east side of the Bering Strait, in Asia. This discovery has profound implications when viewed through the lens of the Book of Mormon, particularly the history of the Lamanites.

The Book of Mormon describes the Lamanites as descendants of Laman, a son of Lehi, who rebelled against his father and brother Nephi. As a result of their disobedience, the Lamanites were cursed and altered, as recorded in 2 Nephi 5:21:

The genetic study's findings, which show a unique allele in Native American populations but absent in Asian groups, could be seen as a modern parallel to this Book of Mormon narrative. The 9-repeat allele might be a modern reflection of this ancient distinction.

The unique marker is impossible to prove it's connection to God's hand with the laminites, but Oddly, modern science finally agrees on one major point long declared by the Book of Mormon: the ancestors of Native Americans do not come from Asian ancestry. This is a significant shift, aligning scientific conclusions with what the Book of Mormon has been stating for nearly two centuries. The absence of the 9-repeat allele in Asian populations suggests a unique and separate lineage, one that the Book of Mormon has described as divinely guided from the Old World to the New.

In fact this peer reviewed study along with the peer reviewed 2008 Mitochondria DNA study of the "6 Founding Native American Mothers" both prove as a fact that the Native American population did not come from Asia. It's a complete mystery to modern science as to where they came from. This does not stop modern science from unsupported hypothesis on where this mystery Mitochondria DNA or 9-repeat allele come from. If you read both studies, it's clear in the end modern science doesn't known. The Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith knew the facts back in 1830, but both will get no credit today. In fact, even though the Asia theory for the Native American heritage has been debunked completely by modern science, all major university's still teach native inhabitants of the Americas came from Asia at this time.

While the study suggests that Native Americans descend from a single ancestral population, isolated from the rest of Asia, the Book of Mormon provides additional context. It describes how the Lamanites eventually became the only population in the Americas after they wiped out the Nephites. The unique genetic marker found in this study could be interpreted as a scientific echo of this ancient narrative, supporting the idea of a distinct and divinely guided migration to the New World.

Further, the absence of the 9-repeat allele in other Asian populations aligns with the Book of Mormon’s description of the Lamanites being a distinct group, set apart by God. This could suggest that the genetic lineage of Native Americans, particularly those with the 9-repeat allele, has been divinely preserved and marked in a way that reflects their ancient heritage.

Moreover, this unique allele distinguishes Native Americans from other populations, hinting at a deeper, divinely orchestrated history that the Book of Mormon has long testified of. This connection between ancient scripture and modern science not only reinforces the narrative found in the Book of Mormon but also provides a fascinating point of reflection for believers and scholars alike.

Thus, the convergence of DNA genetic evidence with the spiritual narratives in the Book of Mormon provides a powerful testament to the truth of these ancient records, suggesting that modern science is beginning to uncover what the Book of Mormon has long declared: that the ancestors of Native Americans were a distinct and divinely guided people, with a unique heritage that is now being revealed through the lens of DNA genetics.

Study link:

~NephiCode Staff

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